How Tyrewise works
Mahi tahi - working together
Tyrewise connects the whole life cycle of a tyre to make sure that the tyre stewardship fee paid at the beginning of its life is used to make it a resource in our circular economy at the end of its life.
Designed for everyone
Tyrewise was co-designed together with the entire tyre supply chain, so that it’s fair for everyone. That way we can achieve more sustainable outcomes for the tyres New Zealanders use every day.

Import of tyres
Pay the tyre stewardship fee on regulated tyres, at import or on first registration of a vehicle.
Pass on fee to retailer or end-of- life tyre generator.
Sale of tyres
Tyre retailers and generators
Tyre fitters and sellers pass on the tyre stewardship fee to the consumer or end user. They retain end-of-life tyres for no charge when they replace them, and book free tyre collections through the Tyrewise software.
End-of-life tyre generators, such as scrap vehicle dealers and fleet owners who change their own tyres can also book collections through the Tyrewise software.
Sellers of newly imported vehicles pass on the fee charged at the time of first registration.
Purchasing and disposal
Pay the tyre stewardship fee when purchasing new tyres or a newly imported registered vehicle.
Leave end-of-life tyres with their tyre fitter when replacing them at no cost.
Take up to five tyres at a time to a public collection site at no cost.
Public collection
Public collection sites
Accept end-of-life tyres (up to five at a time) from the public at no charge.
Receive payments from Tyrewise for handling tyres.
Book tyre collections through the Tyrewise software. Tyrewise pays registered transporters for collection.
Registered Tyrewise transporters are paid by Tyrewise to collect tyres from end-of-life generators and collection sites.
Tyrewise pays incentives for the conversion of end-of-life tyres into an intermediary product for the domestic market.
Manufacturers / innovators
Tyrewise may pay incentives for eligible products made using tyre derived products for the domestic market and for tyre derived fuel.
- All participants are registered with Tyrewise and bound by a Code of Practice.
- Payment points may vary for businesses with multiple roles.
What's your role?
Find our more about the roles in Tyrewise and which types businesses need to register.