Tyrewise Project Update March 2013

Milestone 5

2013 is in full swing and we are pleased to say that Scoping Report 4: ‘What might a future programme look like?’ has now been completed and published on the Tyrewise website, Milestones.

The report outlines what a national product stewardship scheme for end of life tyres (ELTs) might look like and what the framework of the scheme would be.  The framework includes:

  • Governance structure
  • A mission statement, guiding principles and scheme design options to achieve these
  • Key programme information for participants
  • Incentives and likely sectors to receive these in the first 3 years
  • Regulatory framework required for viability
  • Development and implementation timeline

The Working Group has consulted extensively while developing Scoping Report 4 and the resultant report aims to capture and address the wide range of views and feedback received so far.

Upcoming Public Consultation Workshops

Tyrewise is calling on interested parties to provide feedback on the proposed scheme at one of two consultation workshops that will be held in Auckland and Christchurch at the end of March.

Christchurch: Monday 25 March, 2013 at 10am until 12pm

Auckland: Thursday 28 March, 2013 at 12:30pm until 2:30pm

Please contact us at [email protected] or freephone 0800 TYREWISE (0800 897 394) to register.

To maximise the benefit of these sessions it is expected that all attendees will have read the background information.  To facilitate this, an information pack will be sent to you after you have registered.  At this time you will also be provided the workshop locations.

If you are unable to attend either of the public consultation sessions, you are still encouraged to provide feedback about Scoping Report 4 or the progress to date by calling us on  0800 TYREWISE (0800 897 394) or emailing us at [email protected].

Project Extension

The deadline for the final milestone has been extended two months to 15th June 2013, a move considered necessary due to the broad level of interest and feedback relating to the project.  This gives the Working Group more time to consider all options prior to making final recommendations and also allows for an additional round of public consultation (see above).

What’s next?

The detailed business plan is currently being written and will include feedback from the public consultation sessions. The business plan will also demonstrate the ongoing governance of the programme; include full financial and economic modeling and a draft of the Product Stewardship Accreditation documentation.  It will also demonstrate preparations for the programme launch including a public and retailer education campaign.

The Business plan will be presented to the Minister for the Environment in June 2013.

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