The Tyrewise Story

Tyres help us every day.

They take you to school, get you to work on time, to your first date, deliver your food, help create memorable road trips.  But when they’ve done their job, we need to do ours.

Moving forward together

Tyrewise is the result of more than a decade’s work by New Zealand’s tyre industry, alongside Government, to create a national regulatory solution, ensuring end-of-life tyres are treated as a valuable resource rather than waste.   

Mahi tahi tātou

Over a decade ago, tyre importers, retailers and others in the tyre supply chain came together to call for mandatory product stewardship for end-of-life tyres.  

After extensive consultation and input from the industry, the Government declared tyres a ‘priority product’ in 2020. Then in 2023, after further public consultation, it published regulation so anyone importing or selling eligible tyres in Aotearoa New Zealand, whether loose or on a vehicle, has to act in accordance with Tyrewise.  

By coming together, Tyrewise has created a ‘level playing field’, where everyone does their part in reducing harm to te taiao and our communities.

Simply put, we all have to do our part, supported by Tyrewise, to ensure tyres end up in the right place – adding value, not creating harm. 

We are all kaitiaki

Our collective mahi has led to a simple solution which benefits us all. Like the ruru, the tyre industry’s foresight will help us all protect the future of te taiao, our natural world, for generations to come. 

Whether it is getting rid of our tyres when we need new ones, providing a transparent booking system which reduces admin for Kiwi businesses, or ensuring old tyres get to the right processors at the right time. We can all be proud to be part of the solution. 

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