How to register

Let's move forward to a future without tyre waste.  

Be part of the journey to create innovative, solutions for the 6.5 million end-of-life tyres Kiwis produce every year. If you’re an importer, retailer, collector, transporter, or processors of tyres, you must register with Tyrewise.

How Tyrewise works for you


Booking collections of your end-of-life tyres is simple with the Tyrewise tracking software. Registered transporters deliver your end-of-life tyres to registered processors and manufacturers.


Tyrewise helps balance supply and demand for end-of-life tyres – regular picks-up by registered transporters gives certainty to registered processors.


The transparency of Tyrewise reporting means end-of-life tyres end up where they are supposed to, reducing the risk of illegal dumping, stockpiling or landfilling.


With Tyrewise, you can reduce your environmental impact and be part of the solution. Regardless of your role in the supply chain, together we can deliver transformational change and drive economic wellbeing.

What's my role?

Each part of the tyre supply chain has a responsibility for what happens to tyres when they’re no longer fit-for-purpose – if you’re an importer, retailer, collector, transporter, or processors of tyres, you need to register with Tyrewise.

Tyrewise is designed for transparency and trust, so you can be sure your end-of-life tyres will add value and contribute to a circular economy in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Together, with everyday tyre users, we are kaitiaki, protecting our communities.


What tyres are covered by Tyrewise?

The regulation covers all pneumatic (air-filled) and solid tyres for use on motorised vehicles, including cars, trucks, buses, motorcycles, aircraft, trailers, and off-road vehicles. Tyres for most agricultural machinery are also included.

In this instance, a motor vehicle means a vehicle drawn or propelled by mechanical power, as defined in the Land Transport Act 1998 – Section 2. Importers and sellers of these tyres must register with Tyrewise and act in accordance with the scheme.

Bicycle tyres, tyres for non-motorised equipment such as prams, and pre-cured rubber for retreads will come under Tyrewise in future.

Get registered

Tyrewise partners with businesses across the country to create innovative solutions for end-of-life tyres and build a circular economy. Registering with Tyrewise enables tyre stewardship payments, free collections, and domestic market incentives for manufacturers from 1 September 2024.

After you register

Once you’ve completed the online registration form, we’ll be in touch to finish your registration.

We complete most registrations in person. To help you understand the type of information required before we visit, we have created a registration checklist. If you have any further questions, please get in touch.

What about other tyres?

In future, Tyrewise will bring Scope Two tyres into the scheme. These include tyres used on non-motorised equipment and bicycles, whether manual or motorised, as well as  pre-cured rubber for retreads.

Stay in the loop by registering below for updates.

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