How to register
Let's move forward to a future without tyre waste.
Be part of the journey to create innovative, solutions for the 6.5 million end-of-life tyres Kiwis produce every year. If you’re an importer, retailer, collector, transporter, or processors of tyres, you must register with Tyrewise.
How Tyrewise works for you

Booking collections of your end-of-life tyres is simple with the Tyrewise tracking software. Registered transporters deliver your end-of-life tyres to registered processors and manufacturers.

Tyrewise helps balance supply and demand for end-of-life tyres – regular picks-up by registered transporters gives certainty to registered processors.

The transparency of Tyrewise reporting means end-of-life tyres end up where they are supposed to, reducing the risk of illegal dumping, stockpiling or landfilling.

With Tyrewise, you can reduce your environmental impact and be part of the solution. Regardless of your role in the supply chain, together we can deliver transformational change and drive economic wellbeing.
What's my role?
Each part of the tyre supply chain has a responsibility for what happens to tyres when they’re no longer fit-for-purpose – if you’re an importer, retailer, collector, transporter, or processors of tyres, you need to register with Tyrewise.
Tyrewise is designed for transparency and trust, so you can be sure your end-of-life tyres will add value and contribute to a circular economy in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Together, with everyday tyre users, we are kaitiaki, protecting our communities.

Tyrewise partner
You are the first link in the chain for Tyrewise. As a liable party, Tyrewise is the mechanism by which you take responsibility for the environmental impact of the products you import into Aotearoa New Zealand. The regulation covers all pneumatic and solid tyres for use on motorised vehicles for cars, trucks, buses, motorcycles, aircraft and off-road vehicles ('regulated tyres'). These are Tyrewise Scope One tyres. Imported retreaded aircraft tyres are exempt under the regulation.
Level playing field
As an Importer you are required to act in accordance with the accredited product stewardship scheme, Tyrewise. This creates a level playing field for all importers.
Tyre stewardship fees
From 1 March 2024, you will pay fees on regulated tyres, known as the tyre stewardship fee. You will pass this fee on through the supply chain to consumers. You must transparently declare this fee on invoices to your customers.
There is no exemption or refund of the tyre stewardship fee if you export new or used tyres from New Zealand for which the fee has already been paid.
Payment of fees
For road-registered vehicles, the tyre stewardship fees are paid to Waka Kotahi at point of first registration. For non-road registered vehicles, the fees are paid to Ministry for the Environment on declared imports and domestic manufacture. For loose tyres, the fees are paid to Ministry for the Environment on declared tyre imports and domestically manufactured tyres.
Site compliance
If storing tyres outside, you must comply with the National Environmental Standard for Outdoor Storage of Tyres.
You are kaitiaki
As a partner of Tyrewise, you can have confidence in what happens to end-of-life tyres. Once Tyrewise is operational on 1 September 2024, tyres will be managed from collection to processing to reduce the risk of dumping, stockpiling or landfilling. You can celebrate your part in Tyrewise with your customers and suppliers, and in any environmental and sustainability reporting obligations you may have.
Scope Two tyres
If you import other tyres such as those for products like bicycles and non-motorised equipment such as prams, or retread components, these will be brought into the scheme at a later date. Consultation with stakeholders on these tyres is expected late 2024.

Tyrewise partner
You are a retailer of tyres or vehicles with tyres attached. You are the first link in the conversation between a customer with an end-of-life tyre and Tyrewise. To help you share the Tyrewise story, we will provide you with resources for your team and your customers.
Level playing field
As a liable party, you are required to act in accordance with the accredited product stewardship scheme, Tyrewise. This creates a level playing field for all retailers.
Tyre stewardship fees
From 1 March 2024, all tyre retailers will charge their customers the relevant fees on regulated tyres at point of sale, known as tyre stewardship fees. You must transparently declare these fees on invoices to your customers. From 1 September 2024, when Tyrewise is fully operational, you can no longer charge for disposal of your customers' old tyres.
Free collection
From 1 September 2024, Tyrewise will pay a registered transporter to collect end-of-life tyres you have and deliver them to registered processors. You will not pay for transport for end-of-life tyres.
Simple booking system
From 1 September 2024, you will book collection of any end-of-life tyres through the Tyrewise software. You can choose to be part of a regular collection schedule or book a collection when you need it. You will have to verify the collection as it is taking place; the registered processor will do the same when they receive the delivery. You will receive training on how to use the software.
Accountability and reporting
From 1 September 2024, any end-of-life tyres you have will be tracked through the Tyrewise software from collection through to processing. You will be able to report on what collections have taken place by tyre size and volume. This will be useful for any environmental and sustainability reporting obligations you may have.
Site compliance
If you are storing tyres outside, you must comply with the National Environmental Standard for Outdoor Storage of Tyres. Tyrewise will ask for evidence that you comply.
You are kaitiaki
As a partner of Tyrewise, you and your customers can have confidence in what happens to their old tyres. Their tyres will be managed from collection to processing reducing the risk of dumping, stockpiling or landfilling. Tyrewise will be celebrating your partnership with the scheme and we hope you will too.

Tyrewise Partner
You are a large user of tyres which are replaced at your site (eg. a fleet owner/operator), or you are a seller / fitter who takes old tyres when selling new ones (eg. a garage). You are a key link in the Tyrewise story. To help you share the Tyrewise story, we will provide resources for your team and/or your customers.
Level playing field
As a generator of end-of-life tyres you are required to act in accordance with the accredited product stewardship scheme, Tyrewise. This creates a level playing field for all generators.
Tyre stewardship fees
From 1 March 2024, depending on your business type, you will either:
- transparently on-charge the fees to your customers at the point of sale of the tyre or vehicle they are fitted to; or
- you will absorb the fee on fitted or loose tyres you import directly and use on your own fleet.
From 1 September 2024, when Tyrewise is fully operational, you can no longer charge for disposal of your customers' end-of-life tyres.
Free collection
From 1 September 2024, Tyrewise will pay a registered transporter to collect your end-of-life tyres and deliver them to a registered processor. If you sell or fit tyres, you must be prepared to take the old tyres from your customers.
Simple booking system
From 1 September 2024, you will book collection of your end-of-life tyres through the Tyrewise software. You can choose to be part of a regular collection schedule or book a collection when you need it. You will have to verify the collection as it is taking place. The registered processor will do the same when they receive the delivery. You will receive training on how to use the software.
Accountability and reporting
From 1 September 2024, your end-of-life tyres will be tracked through the Tyrewise software from collection through to processing. You will be able to report on what collections have taken place by tyre size and volume. This will be useful for any environmental and sustainability reporting obligations you may have.
Site compliance
If you are storing tyres outside, you must comply with the National Environmental Standard for Outdoor Storage of Tyres. Tyrewise will audit this.
You are kaitiaki
As a partner of Tyrewise, you and your customers can have confidence in what happens to end-of-life tyres. The tyres will be managed from collection to processing to reduce the risk of dumping, stockpiling or landfilling. You can celebrate your part in Tyrewise with your customers and suppliers.

Collection Sites
From 1 September 2024, when Tyrewise is fully operational, only registered collection sites will be able to accept end-of-life tyres from the public. Tyrewise will not make any payments or provide collection of end-of-life tyres before this date.
Tyrewise Partner
You are a Tyrewise partner. Once you are approved by Tyrewise as a registered collection site, the public can drop off unwanted tyres with you (limit of 5). You may be a transfer station or community recycling network.
Payment for services
Registered collection sites will be paid a nominal service fee by Tyrewise to act as aggregation points for tyres to be collected from the public. Payments will be on a sliding scale (very busy sites will get paid more than small sites).
Free collection
Any tyres that you collect at your registered collection site will be picked up for free.
Simple booking system
You will book collection of your tyres through the Tyrewise software. You can choose to be part of a regular collection schedule or book a collection when you need it. You will have to verify the collection as it is taking place. The registered processor will do the same when they receive the delivery. You will receive training on how to use the software.
Accountability and reporting
Your end-of-life tyres will be tracked through the Tyrewise software from collection through to processing. You will be able to report on what collections have taken place by tyre size and volume. This will be useful for any reporting obligations you may have.
Site compliance
If you are storing tyres outside, you must comply with the National Environmental Standard for Outdoor Storage of Tyres. Tyrewise will audit this.
You are kaitiaki
As a partner of Tyrewise, you and the public can have confidence in what happens to end-of-life tyres. The tyres will be managed from collection to processing and will not end up dumped, stockpiled or landfilled.

You are kaitiaki
Unlike many environmental initiatives that ask a lot of you, making sure your tyres end up where they can add value to our communities and economies couldn't be easier with Tyrewise.
Disposing of old tyres when you get new ones
When you replace your old tyres we will encourage you to leave them with the company that fitted them. From 1 March 2024, when you buy new tyres you will pay a tyre stewardship fee that will cover the cost of managing that tyre when you can no longer use it. The fee will be transparently declared on your receipt. From 1 September 2024, the company that fits them will not be able to charge you for disposal of the old tyres - it will be free.
Disposing of a few tyres you have on your property
From 1 September 2024, if you have a few old tyres lying around or don't wish to leave your old tyres with the retailer / tyre fitter, you will be able to take them to a registered collection site for free. Collection sites will take a maximum of five tyres at a time and only from the public.
Ensuring tyres end up in the right place
Only registered collection sites and registered retailers or tyre fitters will be allowed to accept your end-of-life tyres. Tyrewise will ensure these are managed from collection to processing reducing the risk of dumping, illegal stockpiling or landfilling. Together we will end tyre waste across the motu.

Tyrewise Partner
You are a Tyrewise partner. You collect tyres from registered retailers, generators and/or collection sites and deliver them to registered processors. From 1 September 2024, you must be registered with Tyrewise and you can only deliver end-of-life tyres to registered processors.
Payment for collection
From 1 September 2024, all tyres will be collected at no charge to the registered retailer, generator or collection site. You will be paid by either Tyrewise or by the registered processor (normal commercial arrangements apply).
Simple booking system
From 1 September 2024, you will pick up of end-of-life tyres booked through the Tyrewise software. You will verify the collection as it is taking place; the registered processor will do the same when they receive the delivery. You will receive training on how to use the software.
Accountability and reporting
The end-of-life tyres you transport will be tracked through the Tyrewise software from collection through to processing.
You are responsible for the timely collection of tyres and transport of these tyres to processors.
You will be able to report on what collections you have done by tyre size and volume. This will be useful for any reporting obligations you may have.
Site compliance
If you are storing tyres outside, you must comply with the National Environmental Standard for Outdoor Storage of Tyres. Tyrewise will audit this.
You are kaitiaki
As a partner of Tyrewise, you and the sites you service can have confidence in what happens to end-of-life tyres. The tyres will be managed from collection to processing reducing the risk of dumping, stockpiling or landfilling. You can celebrate your part in Tyrewise with your customers.

Tyrewise Partner
You are a critical part of the Tyrewise story. You transform old tyres in some way so that they can be put to a good end-use.
Payment for delivery
From 1 September 2024, Tyrewise will pay for the transport of end-of-life tyres. Tyrewise can pay registered transporters to deliver the tyres you need or you may pay the registered transporter directly (normal commercial arrangements apply).
Verification of deliveries
You will be asked to verify the load you are receiving in the Tyrewise software at the time of delivery of end-of-life tyres. You will receive training on how to use the software.
Fueling kiwi ingenuity
In addition to the revenue you earn from selling your products, from 1 September 2024 Tyrewise may pay an incentive based on eligible sales of tyre derived product in the domestic market (upon receiving evidence of the sale). The incentive depends on what your product is eventually used for. The incentive schedule is published on our website.
Accountability and reporting
From 1 September 2024, your reports may be subject to audit by Tyrewise in order to ensure the incentive is being paid correctly. (This is collected as part of the Tyrewise software.)
Site compliance
Your site must comply with all local and H&S regulations and is subject to audit.

Tyrewise Partner
You are a critical part of the Tyrewise story. You purchase tyre derived products from registered Processors* to use in your business, for example for fuel or as an ingredient for a new product.
Payment for delivery
Typically, you would pay a registered Processor a market price for the products you receive (normal commercial arrangements apply).
Incentivising innovation
If you are a registered Manufacturer, from 1 September 2024 Tyrewise may pay an incentive based on eligible sales of products made from tyre derived product or fuel in the domestic market. You may need to be part of a verified end market process. You will need to provide Tyrewise with evidence of what you manufacture and what volume of tyre derived product or fuel is used as this affects the incentives that may be paid to you by Tyrewise.
Site compliance
Your site must comply with all local and H&S regulations. Your product must comply with any safety standards.
* If you purchase whole tyres directly from a registered Transporter you will be classified as a Processor as well as a Manufacturer.
What tyres are covered by Tyrewise?
The regulation covers all pneumatic (air-filled) and solid tyres for use on motorised vehicles, including cars, trucks, buses, motorcycles, aircraft, trailers, and off-road vehicles. Tyres for most agricultural machinery are also included.
In this instance, a motor vehicle means a vehicle drawn or propelled by mechanical power, as defined in the Land Transport Act 1998 – Section 2. Importers and sellers of these tyres must register with Tyrewise and act in accordance with the scheme.
Bicycle tyres, tyres for non-motorised equipment such as prams, and pre-cured rubber for retreads will come under Tyrewise in future.
Get registered
Tyrewise partners with businesses across the country to create innovative solutions for end-of-life tyres and build a circular economy. Registering with Tyrewise enables tyre stewardship payments, free collections, and domestic market incentives for manufacturers from 1 September 2024.
After you register
Once you’ve completed the online registration form, we’ll be in touch to finish your registration.
We complete most registrations in person. To help you understand the type of information required before we visit, we have created a registration checklist. If you have any further questions, please get in touch.
What about other tyres?
In future, Tyrewise will bring Scope Two tyres into the scheme. These include tyres used on non-motorised equipment and bicycles, whether manual or motorised, as well as pre-cured rubber for retreads.
Stay in the loop by registering below for updates.