Strong support and congratulations following Tyrewise announcement

The Motor Trade Association (MTA) has come out in full support of the announcement that Tyrewise will begin operating in 2023.

The MTA has long supported the work to get Tyrewise off the ground, with MTA Advocacy and Strategy Manager Greig Epps saying, “Tyrewise will provide our members with a certain and convenient process for the collection of end-of-life tyres, with the comfort of knowing that the tyres will be properly recycled.”

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Tyre Stewardship Australia (TSA) has commended Tyrewise the announcement it will begin operating in late 2023. TSA chief executive officer Lina Goodman said, “It’s a bold step to stamp out rogue operators and create a level playing field for proactive, industry-led waste recovery.”

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Major international tyre manufacturer Bridgestone has come out in full support of Tyrewise becoming operational next year. Bridgestone’s Director of New Zealand Business, John Staples said, “We are thrilled with the outcome of this announcement. After years of input, we are beyond pleased see action being taken when it comes to end-of-life tyre regulation.”

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The AA is hailing the country’s first tyre recycling scheme as a positive step in the automotive industry’s efforts to mitigate its environmental impact. It says Tyrewise, “will be revolutionary in terms of the country’s sustainability efforts.”

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