Minister seeks feedback on tyre disposal

The Hon. Amy Adams, Minister for the Environment, today released a discussion document for product stewardship of key waste products, including tyres.

According to the press release, the discussion document is seeking possible options to improve the way some waste products are managed in New Zealand, especially those which can cause harm to the environment.

Adele Rose, CEO of 3R Group, project leader for the Tyrewise Working Group said she was delighted to see Tyrewise progress to this next stage.

“We are encouraging stakeholders and other interested parties to make submissions in support of the recommendations put forward by the Tyrewise Working Group.

“These recommendations are the result of an 18-month long industry-wide engagement process which looked at the current situation for end of life tyres in New Zealand, international Product Stewardship programmes, and what options would best suit New Zealand.

“It’s a great chance to get involved in shaping what a product stewardship programme will look like and we strongly recommend that those involved in the industry take this opportunity to have their say.”

Submissions open 21 May and close 2 July, and can be made online or by downloading a submission form.

“This is a key process in developing a product stewardship programme, and as the project leader for Tyrewise, we are looking forward to further progress toward a solution for end of life tyres.”

Have your say!

Don’t miss this chance to get involved and have your say!

The Ministry’s discussion document and submission process can be accessed here.

Submissions close 2 July, so be quick!

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