From the Ministry for the Environment:
Kia ora,
On behalf of the Hon Eugenie Sage, Associate Minister for the Environment, we are seeking submissions on potential changes to the proposed National Environmental Standard (NES) for the Outdoor Storage of Tyres. This may be of particular interest to local government, businesses involving tyre storage, and farmers who use tyres as silage weights.
A public consultation was held in 2017. However, a second round of consultation is necessary due to:
- A new proposal that regional councils, instead of territorial authorities, would be responsible for implementing the NES, which will address concerns about existing use rights.
- Consideration of an additional option for reducing the threshold for the volume of tyres that can be stored outdoors on a site before a discretionary activity resource consent is required, specifically 100m3, in addition to the 200m3 previously proposed. Farm silage tyres are to be exempted from this requirement.
- The addition of a proposed permitted activity rule with requirements, for tyre quantities between 40m3 and the threshold for resource consent (100m3 or 200m3).
The detailed consultation document can be found on our website.
The proposed NES will provide a clearer regulatory approach about how tyres stored outside should be managed under the Resource Management Act 1991. Tyres stored outdoors pose risks to the environment and to human health (the main risks are fire – causing toxic smoke and run-off – and leachates).
We welcome receiving your comments through a written submission. If you have any questions contact our team at [email protected].
Making a submission
Consultation on the proposed policy begins on 25 February 2020. The closing date for submissions is
5 pm Wednesday 25 March 2020.
Information on how to make a submission is available on our website including a consultation document on the proposal.
Submissions or questions can be emailed to [email protected].