Seen an illegal tyre pile? If you want to let us know about illegally dumped orstockpiled tyres, please fill in the form below. NameNot required if you wish to tell us anonymouslyCompanyEmail Not required if you wish to tell us anonymouslyPhoneLocation(Required)Region*AucklandBay of PlentyCanterburyGisborneHawke's BayManawatu-WanganuiMarlboroughNelsonNorthlandOtagoSouthlandTaranakiTasmanWaikatoWellingtonWest CoastNorth IslandSouth IslandNationwideOtherPlease Specify(Required)Location or address of tyre stockpile or dumped tyres(Required)Estimate of the number of tyres*(Required)Please let us know what makes you believe this is an unconsented stockpile?(Required)Have you also alerted the local regional council?*(Required)Have you also alerted the local regional council?*YesNoName of regional council contact person(Required)CommentsPlease attach a photograph of the tyre stockpile or dumped tyresMax. file size: 2 GB.Subscribe me to your e-newsletter(Required) Yes No CAPTCHA