Funding announcement delights PSF

The Product Stewardship Foundation says it is delighted with today’s funding announcement from the Minister for the Environment for the development of a product stewardship programme for End of Life Tyres (ELT) – Tyrewise.

The Foundation has been awarded funds to develop an industry led programme which will allow for a consistent nationwide approach to the responsible disposal of tyres, removing hidden costs for consumers and ratepayers as well as providing a better outcome for New Zealand’s environment.

Graeme Norton, Executive Director of the Foundation and 3R Group, specialists in product stewardship, said that the Motor Trade Association and 3R have been working closely for over a year to bring together industry stakeholders and supporters under the umbrella of the Product Stewardship Foundation.

“In a relatively short time we have been able to gain serious commitment from key players in the motor vehicle industry here in New Zealand.

“This includes companies and organisations representing tyre importers and suppliers, new and used car importers, motor services, and motorists as well as local government. The level and breadth of commitment across the industry shows that they see this as a serious issue to be addressed.

“The announcement of funding from the Ministry for Environment and their continued desire to be involved in the development process simply reinforces this view.”

The funding will allow a working group made up of these industry stakeholders to identify a range of feasible product stewardship options for ELT in order to improve future environmental, economic and social outcomes.

“Once the group has identified likely costs and benefits of these options, it will then identify the option preferred by the majority of stakeholders and partners,” said Mr Norton.

“There will also be consultation with other parties and stakeholders outside the working group.

“The final stage will then be to come up with a framework to implement this preferred option, including a business plan and of course documentation for an application for accreditation of a nationwide product stewardship scheme under the Waste Minimisation Act.”

The Product Stewardship Foundation is a charitable trust set up to promote model stewardship policies and programmes, bring key stakeholders together, and to hold developing programmes on behalf of industry groups. In the case of ELTs, the Foundation will act as an “incubator” for the programme, holding the funding and ensuring transparency Mr Norton said.

3R Group was brought in as specialists in the field of product stewardship development and management. They currently manage two of the programmes accredited by the Minister for the Environment as Product Stewardship Programmes under the Waste Minimisation Act 2008: Agrecovery Rural Recycling and Resene PaintWise.

“With the continued cooperation and commitment of those involved we aim to launch Tyrewise the Product Stewardship Programme in mid 2013.”

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