Fuel Efficient Tyres from EECA

Tyres can make a surprising difference to the fuel economy of a vehicle, up to 7.5%.

The lower the rolling resistance of the tyre, the less force needed to turn the wheels and therefore the less fuel consumed.

Click on the image to find the correct tyre pressure for your car…

Manufacturers are able to achieve improvements to a tyre’s rolling resistance by making changes to the design and construction, and also the materials used. However, try to objectively compare the fuel efficiency (or any other on-road performance factors) of different tyres in New Zealand, and you will find it’s pretty much impossible.

To help consumers and fleet managers in New Zealand make an informed choice when replacing tyres, the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (EECA), in consultation with New Zealand tyre distributors, have developed criteria to identify tyres that meet ENERGYWISE standards for both fuel efficiency and braking in the wet. From 5 October, tyres that meet the criteria will carry an approval mark to show they are ENERGYWISE approved tyres.

Internationally there are a number of different labelling schemes that detail information about rolling resistance and other performance criteria. The criteria for ENERGYWISE approved fuel efficient tyres are similar to the schemes in Japan, Korea, and the European Union.

ENERGYWISE approved tyres will be available for a range of tyre sizes used on light vehicles. From 5 October 2014, there will be an online tool available at www.energywise.govt.nz to identify tyre options, and where to buy them. The introduction of the approval mark will be supported by a two year advertising and information campaign from both EECA and the tyre industry.

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