Want to know more?
Everyone in the tyre supply chain has their part to play to turn tyre waste into opportunity. We hope these FAQs will help you to play yours.
Table of Contents
Who needs to register with Tyrewise?
Under the Waste Minimisation (Tyres) Regulations 2023, anyone who imports or sells tyres, loose or on vehicles must register with Tyrewise and agree to act in accordance with the scheme’s requirements.
Transporters of tyres must also register in order to be able to use the Tyrewise software, transport tyres and receive payments.
Processors must also register in order to receive tyres and payments.
Manufacturers of tyre derived products only need to register if they wish to receive incentive payments for products for the domestic market (product dependent).
Organisations who want to act as Public Collection sites and receive free collections should also register.
Fee calculation
How is the fee calculated for vehicles?
The fees are based on the vehicle class or the gross vehicle mass range.
More details can be found in schedule 2 of the Waste Minimisation (Tyres) Regulations 2023.
How is the fee calculated for imports of loose tyres?
The fee is calculated based on the tariff items specified in Schedule 2, Table 1 of the regulations.
NZ Customs has published guidance documents in relation to the use of Tariff items for the fee. Click here to read the guidance.
Other information on the use of Tariff items can be found here.
Download the factsheet for loose tyre importers, retailers and fitters here.
How do I get a ruling on tariff items?
Importers should follow the tariff item guidance published by NZ Customs.
If you are uncertain if the correct tariff code is being used, Tyrewise can apply for tariff item rulings from NZ Customs. This means the rulings can be published publicly for all importers to follow.
To request Tyrewise make an application for a particular tyre type, please contact us with the details.
How do I fix a tariff item misclassification?
Misclassification or material errors will first need to be corrected within the Customs systems.
Customs will automatically notify the Ministry of any adjustment that have occurred within the payment period.
The Ministry will process adjustments, with invoice payment due no later than the 20th day of the following month in which the invoice was issued.
We encourage you to contact the Ministry if you have concerns with your invoice.
What do I do if I believe someone else is misclassifying their tariff items?
If you observe/believe a competitor is mis-classifying the tariff for competitive advantage, you can contact NZ Customs directly by email. The subject line of your email should be Industry Complaint.
Fee collection
How are the fees collected on road registered vehicles?
For road-registered vehicles the fees are paid to NZTA Waka Kotahi at the point of first registration.
How are the fees collected on off-road vehicles?
Importers of non-road registered vehicles declare their imports and domestically manufactured vehicles to Tyrewise via the self-declaration form.
This information is submitted quarterly by Tyrewise to the Secretary for the Environment, and invoices are issued by the Ministry for the Environment.
How are the fees collected on loose tyres?
The New Zealand Customs Service (Customs) will provide the import data to the Ministry for the Environment (the Ministry), who will invoice the liable importer based on the tariff items the tyres were declared under.
The information disclosure agreement between NZ Customs and the Ministry for the Environment can be found here.
Who do I contact at Ministry for the Environment about paying the fee?
Ministry for the Environment have information about paying the fee on their website.
Please visit the Tyrewise contact page for Ministry for the Environment contact information.
Tyre sellers
How do I pay and oncharge the fee?
Schedule 2 of the Waste Minimisation (Tyres) Regulation 2023 sets the exact fees payable.
Your tyre importer or wholesaler will charge you the fee on tyres you buy.
You must oncharge the fee when you sell the tyres and transparently disclose it on your customer's invoice.
No markups can be made to the Tyre Stewardship Fee.
How do I show the fee on an invoice?
The tyre stewardship fee must be transparently disclosed to your customer when it is oncharged.
It should be itemised separately to the tyre sell price. If the seller’s system doesn’t have room for the description as a line item, it can be referred to as the TSF, and described elsewhere on the invoice.
Prices can be advertised that include the Tyrewise Stewardship Fee, as long as it is shown separately on an invoice or receipt We have created an example below.
Vehicle sellers
How much are the tyre stewardship fees?
Schedule 2 of the Waste Minimisation (Tyres) Regulation 2023 sets the exact fees payable based on the vehicle class or Gross Vehicle Mass (GVM) range.
No mark-ups can be made to the Tyre Stewardship Fee.
How do I charge the fee to my customers?
For road registered vehicles the fee is charged at the point of first registration by NZTA / Waka Kotahi.
It makes up part of the on-road costs (ORC) of a vehicle.
For off-road vehicles, the importer will directly declare the vehicle to Tyrewise through a self-declaration form.
The amount of the fee must be transparently disclosed to your customer, for example in the sale agreement.
Tyre collections
How do retailers, generators and collection sites book their free collections?
Collections are booked through the Tyrewise tracking software. It’s been designed to help everyone involved in Tyrewise work together seamlessly. It will track tyres from collection to processing, providing verified volume and weight data which will enable payments and incentives to be paid to transporters, processors and manufacturers of products for the domestic market.
Transactions can be generated easily and verified on the go with mobile devices or on a PC. Data is tracked and matched at pivotal points in the process.
The software will be in use from August 2024 when Tyrewise is operational.
Will I receive training on the Tyrewise tracking software?
The Tyrewise software has designed to be as simple as possible to use and has been tested in the field.
Training and support material will be provided before Tyrewise collections start in September 2024.
Do tyres have to be clean when collected by a registered processor?
End-of-life tyres must be free of debris and dirt inside and out when collected for processing.
If a tyre is not clean, registered public collection sites are not obligated to accept them. Consumers will be asked to clean them before they can be accepted.
Can I store tyres for collection outside?
Registered Tyrewise partners can store tyres outside but they must comply with the National Environmental Standard for the Outdoor Storage of Tyres. Tyrewise will ask for evidence that you comply with this.
End use markets
How will incentives for end markets be managed?
The regulations set guidelines for the payment of incentives for end products using tyre-derived product or fuel for the domestic market. Manufacturers will be required to provide proof of sale for incentives to be paid.
View the Incentive Schedule
How will offshore end markets be verified?
Tyrewise plans to adopt Tyre Stewardship Australia’s proven independent verification system: Foreign End Market Verification (FEVM) run by Intertek Inlight. This will ensure any exports of tyre-derived product or tyre-derived fuel are not causing environmental or social harm in the end market. Tyrewise will manage this process directly with Manufacturers (End Users). If you are new to the market and need to discuss end market verification, please contact the Tyrewise team.
How will Tyrewise manage large off-road tyres (OTRs) such as mining tyres?
Tyrewise will incentivise the market to collect and develop processing options for large OTRs. Mining tyres will be collected and stored until a solution can be found. Fees paid on mining tyres will be ringfenced for a solution.
Who do I speak to about my solution for the beneficial use of end-of-life tyres?
Email Tyrewise and include some brief information about your solution and we will be in touch.