
Tyrewise 2.0 Master Report Released

Final report released 3R Group, as project managers of Tyrewise, have now completed the final Tyrewise report, following completion of the Phase Two project. Phase Two involved updating the Tyrewise Product

Waste tyres economic research

Waste tyres economic research: Intervention options to promote investment in on-shore waste tyres recycling In 2014, the Ministry for the Environment commissioned KPMG to research economic barriers to tyre recycling in

Tyrewise project completed – Final Summary Report

With the submittal of the Business Plan, Scheme Launch Preparation Plan and Scheme Accreditation application, Tyrewise Project Milestone 7 has now been completed. Along with the Final Summary Report, this marks

New report outlines economic benefit for NZ

The Tyrewise Working Group has recently released a Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) as part of the project to develop a comprehensive and robust nationwide product stewardship programme for End of Life

Tyrewise Project Update March 2013

Milestone 5 2013 is in full swing and we are pleased to say that Scoping Report 4: ‘What might a future programme look like?’ has now been completed and published on

Scoping Report Four released

The Tyrewise Working Group has released Scoping Report 4 (Milestone 5): ‘What might a future programme look like?’ which outlines the industry preferred option for a national product stewardship scheme for

Tyrewise project update

The year is progressing quickly and with it the Tyrewise project. The end of July saw the completion of Milestone 3, which includes the publication of Scoping Report 2 – Alternative