
NES for storing tyres outdoors passed into law

An important piece of the regulated tyre stewardship puzzle has fallen into place with the Ministry for the Environment finalising and gazetting the Resource Management (National Environmental Standards for Storing Tyres Outdoors) Regulation 2021.  

Government waste work programme approved

Associate Environment Minister Eugenie Sage has announced a programme of work to take action on New Zealand’s long-neglected waste problems.

End of life tyres in the news

Latest tyre news on – ‘Waste tyres dumped in landfill by company paid millions to recycle‘

Court action over tyres from Amberly fire

A court has ordered the removal of more than 120,000 tyres, which were part of the pile that caught fire in Amberley earlier this year. According to Environment Canterbury the removal

Another tyre fire – how long do we wait?

Another large tyre fire illuminates the need for effective product stewardship of end-of-life tyres in New Zealand.Cause of massive North Canterbury tyre fire ‘unknown’, investigation to begin

WRC tyre movement and storage guidelines

The release of tyre movement and storage guidelines are an important step in effective management of end-of-life tyres in New Zealand, says 3R Group Chief Executive and Tyrewise project manager Adele

Why are waste tyres not regulated?

Source: Radio New Zealand National Every year three million tyres [Note: Tyrewise believes this is more like 5 million] are put into landfills, dumped or “stockpiled” on private land – but

Paul Henry with Greens MP Julie Anne Genter

Paul Henry talks to Greens MP Julie Anne Genter in response to the Environment Minister Nick Smith’s offer of funding grants for new ideas to recycle end-of-life tyres. Listen to the segment

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