International news

Australia calls on Tyrewise experience with regulation

Adele Rose is Chief Executive of 3R Group, Implementation Project Managers for Tyrewise, New Zealand’s first regulated product stewardship scheme for end-of-life tyres. Recently I had the privilege of spending a

Good news for tyre stewardship in Australia

There has been some good news out of Australia around their end of life tyre stewardship this week. Tyre and Rubber Recycling magazine reports that JAX tyres with 84 retailers has

Breeding grounds for mosquitoes – Dengue fever

According to an article in the Borneo Post, reducing dengue fever cases in Borneo boils down to not providing them with ‘five-star hotels’ to breed such as used tyres that are

ELT Mgmt: Regulatory Mis-steps, Mistakes, Makeovers

ELT Management: Regulatory Mis-steps, Mistakes, MakeoversPresented to the Tyre Industry Summit 2015 by Glenn Maidment, President of the Tire and Rubber Association of Canada Top 10 Elements Which Should Not be

Ticking tyre bomb may well blow sky high

Source: Sunshine Coast Daily THE 180,000 tyres that have been illegally dumped in the Ipswich region could lead to “a catastrophic fire event”.That is the warning from Dave West, the national

Australian scheme launches 1 July

The Tyre Product Stewardship Scheme set to launch from July 1 will undertake a mission to raise awareness of Australia’s lamentable lack of commitment to tyre recycling. Our record to date

REDISA, South Africa – One year on

REDISA, the Recycling and Economic Development Initiative South Africa, which operates a product stewardship programme for end of life tyres, will celebrate its first anniversary this Friday, 23 May. In its

Did you know…

World’s biggest tyre dump According to the UK’s Daily Mail the world’s largest tyre graveyard is reported to be located in Kuwait with over 7 million tyres dumped in the sandy

Tyrewise project update

The year is progressing quickly and with it the Tyrewise project. The end of July saw the completion of Milestone 3, which includes the publication of Scoping Report 2 – Alternative

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