New report outlines economic benefit for NZ

The Tyrewise Working Group has recently released a Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) as part of the project to develop a comprehensive and robust nationwide product stewardship programme for End of Life Tyres (ELTs) in New Zealand.

The CBA is part of a series of guiding documents that collectively intend to provide the necessary information for the Group to make recommendations on a preferred programme to the Minister for the Environment.

The report, part of Milestone 4, presents a range of assumptions and estimates that underpin a CBA of options relating to an industry led product stewardship scheme for end of life tyres in New Zealand.

The CBA is an economic assessment tool that enables comparison of the status quo “do nothing” scenario with the impacts of the proposed scheme which will address the environmental and resource waste issues currently observed relating to end of life tyres.

In the report economic cost and benefits have been measured from the perspective of society as a whole, and for comparative purposes, where possible monetized and discounted to convert them to their net present value.

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